lunes, 20 de diciembre de 2010

EFF: Demand a Real Vote on the Sustainable Economy Bill

 Es mañana:


This is a friendly message from the Electronic Frontier Foundation. View it in a web browser.

Electronic Frontier Foundation

Dear Sergi,

The Sustainable Economy Bill, Spain's wildly unpopular website blocking law is currently pending before Spain's legislature. The Sustainable Economy Bill will be debated in the Committee of Economy and Finance of Spain's Congress next Tuesday, 21st December, just before the holiday recess. It could be adopted by the Senate by the end of February 2011.

If you are a Spanish citizen, now is the time to act! Call your Congressional representative and demand that this legislation be debated in open Parliament with the full attention that it deserves, and not adopted by sleight of hand because of background political pressure.

Our Spanish friends ask that you focus on representatives of the independent the Catalonian party (CIU), the Vasc Party (PNV), and the Canarian Island Pary (CC). More information is available at Asociacion de Internautas' campaign page, Red-SoS, Sindegate, and on the @La_EX_ Twitter stream.


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